The Naranjo Institute opened the first cohort of Claudio Naranjo's Seekers After Truth (SAT) programme in 2012, and plans to create a new cohort each year. This retreat programme consists of four residential workshops, each lasting between from six to nine days. In their totality the retreats represent a comprehensive exploration of psychological, spiritual and expressive practices for understanding the nature of the human journey toward growth and fulfilment. From exploring who we have become, the precise ways we have each become stuck, and continue to get stuck, the programme goes on to encourage experiences and processes of active healing and the expansion of our possibilities for thinking, feeling and doing.
Following the principle that “the only way out is through” the SAT programme draws heavily on the Enneagram of Personality as a map of behaviour patterns that allows us to go deeply into ourselves and thus establish a clear sense of the point from which we need to move. The Enneagram of Personality is a transversal theme of the SAT programme, as are meditation and body work. Alongside these core elements, each retreat will explore specific practices from the expressive and psychological traditions that facilitate a ‘going through’ and an experience of ‘ways out’.
By the end of the SAT programme participants will have:-
a comprehensive picture of the ways in which we interfere with and limit our individual and collective human potential
taken the first clear steps toward the changes in thought, feeling and behaviour needed to make our lives more reflective of the ‘truth’ about ouselves
experienced how psychological, artistic and spiritual practices can combine powerfully around our journeys toward human growth
The programme is sequential and people are expected to begin at SAT 1 and work through to SAT 4 in order .The retreats are lead by highly qualified members of Dr Naranjo's team, and Dr Naranjo himself normally coordinates SAT 3 and SAT 4.
As things stand all retreats are planned to take place at the lovely Gaunts House in Dorset.
Further Information:
SAT 1 – Living from the Passions, 5th–13th October 2013
SAT 2 – The Origins of Character*
SAT 3 – Perspectives for Growth, 2013, 20th–28th July 2013
SAT 4 – On the Road, 2014*
* dates to be determined